Gardening and Pet Supplies
Our Gardening section includes weedkillers, water butts and garden tools.
We carry a range of weedguard fabric which we sell either in rolls or by the metre.

Pet Products
We have recently added a pet range to our store for all your furry friends.
Our pet range includes dog treats, dog toys and pet blankets.
We are a dog-friendly store so why not bring your furry friend in to say hello. We have a selection of dog treat samples on our till for them to enjoy.

ALM Stand
Located at the bottom of the gardening aisle, we have an ALM stand which is full of accessories for your garden power tools. This includes strimmer wire and spark plugs.
If we don't have what you are looking for, speak to one of our members of staff and it may be a product that we can order in for you.

Garden Seeds
We have lots of different garden seeds in store including carrot seeds and lettuce seeds.
We also stock compost and plant pots to accompany your seeds.
Which will you choose?
Garden Tools
We stock a range of garden tools including hedge trimmers and shovels.
We carry a few different types at different price points to ensure there is something for your budget.
We also have a range of smaller hand tools so that children can get involved too

Hoses and Fittings
We have a large selection of garden hoses in store ranging from 10m to 50m.
We stock the popular hoselock brand along with a cheaper brand so there is something to fit your budget/preferences.
We also stock a range of hose fittings to match with your hose.
Not sure which bits you need? Pop into store and ask one of our friendly members of staff and we will be able to assist.

Pest Killers
We have an extensive range of pest killers in store including the popular brands rentokil and big cheese.
Whether your killing slugs or mice, we've got you covered.
Our pest killers are located in our gardening section in our main store.